CSV Data Source#

Data source for generating a GeoModelGrids model from a model provided as a CSV file.

csv parameters#

  • filename (string) Relative or absolute path of CSV file.

  • crs (str) CRS of coordinates in CSV file.

csv.columns parameters#

Mapping of columns in the CSV file to data values. The first column is 0.

  • x (integer) Index of column with x coordinate values.

  • y (integer) Index of column with y coordinate values.

  • z (integer) Index of column with z coordinate values.

  • VALUE (integer) Index of column with values for VALUE.


The CSV data source currently loads the entire CSV file into memory.


This example illustrates use of the CSV data source to convert the Eberhart-Phillips and others 3D seismic velocity model from a CSV file to a GeoModelGrids model. The model grid has a variable resolution in each of the coordinate directions.

title = New Zealand Wide model 2.3 Qs and Qp models for New Zealand, updated for Kaikoura
id = nz-cvm
description = The Qs and Qp New Zealand Wide models 2.3 incorporate the results from the Kaikoura region using aftershocks (Eberhart-Phillips, et al. 2021). The results from that study have been interpolated and merged into the previous New Zealand Wide model 2.2 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3779523). There is no update of the Vp and Vp/Vs models.
keywords = [seismic velocity model, New Zealand, tomography]
history = 
comment = 
version = 2.3
creator_name = Donna Eberhart-Phillips
creator_institution = GNS Science, UC Davis
creator_email = eberhartphillips@ucdavis.edu
acknowledgement = 
authors = [ Eberhart-Phillips, Donna |  Bannister, Stephen |  Reyners, Martin |  Ellis, Susan |  Lanza, Federica]
references = [Eberhart-Phillips, D., S. Ellis, F. Lanza, and S. Bannister (2021), Heterogeneous material properties - as inferred from seismic attenuation - influenced multiple fault rupture and ductile creep of the Kaikoura Mw 7.8 earthquake, New Zealand, Geophys. J. Int., doi:10.1093/gji/ggab272.]
repository_name = 
repository_url = 
repository_doi = 
license = Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

filename = seismic_nz_cvm-2-3.h5
data_source = geomodelgrids.create.data_srcs.csv.datasrc.CSVFile

crs = EPSG:2193
origin_x = 1739903.44
origin_y = 3685845.31
y_azimuth = 310.0

filename = nz_cvm-2-3.txt
crs = EPSG:4979

x = 1
y = 0
z = 2
density = 3
Vp = 4
Vs = 5
Qp = 6
Qs = 7

values = [density, Vp, Vs, Qp, Qs]
units = [kg/m**3, m/s, m/s, None, None]

dim_x = 2400.0e+3
dim_y = 2400.0e+3
dim_z = 765.0e+3

blocks = [block]

x_coordinates = [0.0e+3, 464.0e+3, 514.0e+3, 561.0e+3, 600.0e+3, 633.0e+3, 663.0e+3, 693.0e+3, 723.0e+3, 752.0e+3, 782.0e+3, 812.0e+3, 842.0e+3, 887.0e+3, 931.0e+3, 976.0e+3, 1003.0e+3, 1013.0e+3, 1021.0e+3, 1029.0e+3, 1037.0e+3, 1045.0e+3, 1055.0e+3, 1070.0e+3, 1085.0e+3, 1100.0e+3, 1115.0e+3, 1130.0e+3, 1145.0e+3, 1160.0e+3, 1170.0e+3, 1180.0e+3, 1190.0e+3, 1200.0e+3, 1210.0e+3, 1220.0e+3, 1230.0e+3, 1240.0e+3, 1250.0e+3, 1260.0e+3, 1270.0e+3, 1280.0e+3, 1290.0e+3, 1305.0e+3, 1323.0e+3, 1348.0e+3, 1373.0e+3, 1398.0e+3, 1428.0e+3, 1453.0e+3, 1472.0e+3, 1491.0e+3, 1510.0e+3, 1529.0e+3, 1549.0e+3, 1579.0e+3, 1609.0e+3, 1639.0e+3, 1668.0e+3, 1694.0e+3, 1715.0e+3, 1736.0e+3, 1754.0e+3, 1773.0e+3, 1790.0e+3, 1810.0e+3, 1832.0e+3, 1853.0e+3, 1903.0e+3, 2400.0e+3]
y_coordinates = [0.0e+3, 850.0e+3, 900.0e+3, 940.0e+3, 970.0e+3, 995.0e+3, 1022.0e+3, 1039.0e+3, 1048.0e+3, 1055.0e+3, 1061.0e+3, 1067.0e+3, 1073.0e+3, 1079.0e+3, 1082.0e+3, 1086.0e+3, 1089.0e+3, 1093.0e+3, 1096.0e+3, 1100.0e+3, 1103.0e+3, 1107.0e+3, 1110.0e+3, 1114.0e+3, 1117.0e+3, 1121.0e+3, 1124.0e+3, 1128.0e+3, 1131.0e+3, 1135.0e+3, 1138.0e+3, 1142.0e+3, 1145.0e+3, 1149.0e+3, 1152.0e+3, 1156.0e+3, 1159.0e+3, 1163.0e+3, 1171.0e+3, 1178.0e+3, 1186.0e+3, 1193.0e+3, 1201.0e+3, 1208.0e+3, 1216.0e+3, 1223.0e+3, 1231.0e+3, 1238.0e+3, 1246.0e+3, 1253.0e+3, 1261.0e+3, 1268.0e+3, 1276.0e+3, 1286.0e+3, 1296.0e+3, 1306.0e+3, 1321.0e+3, 1336.0e+3, 1351.0e+3, 1400.0e+3, 1500.0e+3, 1600.0e+3, 1740.0e+3, 2400.0e+3]
z_coordinates = [15000.0, 1000.0, -1000.0, -3000.0, -5000.0, -8000.0, -15000.0, -23000.0, -30000.0, -34000.0, -38000.0, -42000.0, -48000.0, -55000.0, -65000.0, -85000.0, -105000.0, -130000.0, -155000.0, -185000.0, -225000.0, -275000.0, -370000.0, -620000.0, -750000.0]
z_top_offset = 0.0
chunk_size = (18, 16, 25, 5)