GeoModelGrids Docker Development Environment#

The geomodelgrids-devenv Docker image provides all of the dependencies and defines the environment for GeoModelGrids development. It is built using the Ubuntu 20.04 Linux distribution. It is intended to be read only with a separate Docker volume for persistent storage and the GeoModelGrids development workspace. We separate the development “environment” from the “workspace” so that we can update the development environment without affecting the workspace and easily maintain a persistent workspace while starting and stopping the Docker container that holds the development environment.


  1. You need to have Docker installed and running on your computer.

  2. You need to have a GitHub account.


You only need to run these setup steps once.

Fork repositories on GitHub#

This creates a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

  1. Log in to your GitHub account, creating an account if you do not already have one.

  2. Fork the GeoModelGrids repository: baagaard-usgs/geomodelgrids.

Create Docker volume for persistent storage#

On your local machine, create a Docker volume for persistent storage.

docker volume create geomodelgrids-dev

Start GeoModelGrids development Docker container#

Running the command below will:

  1. Start (run) the Docker container using the geomodelgrids-devenv Docker image and assign it the name geomodelgrids-dev-workspace.

  2. Mount the docker volume with persistent storage at /opt/geomodelgrids.

  3. The geomodelgrids-devenv Docker image will be downloaded from the GitLab registry <>.

# Without EarthVision
docker run --name geomodelgrids-dev-workspace --rm -it \
    -v geomodelgrids-dev:/opt/geomodelgrids \
# With EarthVision in $TOOLS_DIR/earthvision-11
docker run --name geomodelgrids-dev-workspace --rm -it \
    -v geomodelgrids-dev:/opt/geomodelgrids \
    -v $TOOLS_DIR/earthvision-11:/opt/earthvision \
    -v $HOME/data/sfbay-geology:/data/sfbay-geology \
    -v $HOME/data/geomodelgrids/:/data/geomodelgrids \

Setup directory structure#

We will use the directory following directory structure for the persistent storage.

    ├── src
    ├── build
       ├── debug
       └── opt
    └── dest
        ├── debug
           ├── bin
           ├── include
           ├── lib
           └── share
        └── opt
            ├── bin
            ├── include
            ├── lib
            └── share

This directory structure is setup for both a debugging version for development (debug directory) and an optimized version for performance testing (opt directory). For now, we will only setup the debugging version.

cd /opt/geomodelgrids
mkdir -p ${TOP_BUILDDIR}
mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR}

Clone repositories#

This creates a local copy of the repository in the persistent storage volume of the GeoModelGrids development container.

cd /opt/geomodelgrids
git clone --recursive src

Configure and build for development#

pushd ${TOP_SRCDIR} && autoreconf -if && popd
${TOP_SRCDIR}/configure \
  --prefix=${INSTALL_DIR} \
  --enable-python \
  --enable-gdal \
  --enable-testing \
  CC=gcc CXX=g++ CFLAGS="-g -Wall" CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall"
make install -j$(nproc)
make check -j$(nproc)

Install Visual Studio Code#

Install VS Code for your computer.

Install the following extensions:

  • Remote - Containers

  • C/C++

  • Docker

  • Live Share

  • Python

  • Uncrustify

Additionally, we recommend also installing the following extensions:

  • GitHub Pull Requests and Issues

  • GitLens – Git supercharged

  • Material Icon Theme


Start the GeoModelGrids development Docker container#

Whenever you need to restart the geomodelgrids-dev-workspace Docker container, simply run

# Without EarthVision
docker run --name geomodelgrids-dev-workspace --rm -it \
    -v geomodelgrids-dev:/opt/geomodelgrids \


Make sure Docker is running before you start the container.

Attach VS Code to the Docker container#

  1. Start VS Code.

  2. Click on the Docker extension in the Activity Bar on the far left hand side.

  3. Find the geomodelgrids-dev-workspace container. Verify that it is running.

  4. Right-click on the container and select Attach Visual Studio Code. This will open a new window. You should see Container at the left side of the status bar at the bottom of the window.