# IRIS EMC DataSrc Python Object **Full name**: geomodelgrids.create.data_srcs.iris_emc.datasrc.EMCNetCDF IRIS EMC data source using NetCDF file. :::{important} This data source requires the netCDF4 Python module. ::: ## Data Members + **config** *(dict)* Model parameters. ## Methods + [EMCNetCDF(config)](py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-constructor) + [initialize()](py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-initialize) + [get_metadata()](py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-metadata) + [get_top_surface(points)](py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-top-surface) + [get_topography_bathymetry(points)](py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-topography-bathymetry) + [get_values(block, top_surface, topo_bathy, batch)](py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-values) (py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-constructor)= ### EMCNetCDF(config) Constructor. + **config** *(dict)* Model parameters. (py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-initialize)= ### initialize() Initialize data source. (py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-metadata)= ### get_metadata() Get any additional metadata provided by data source. + **returns** Dict with additional metadata. (py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-top-surface)= ### get_top_surface(points) Query model for elevation of top surface at points. :::{note} We assume a flat top surface at an elevation of 0, so there is not top surface. ::: + **points[in]** *(numpy.array [Nx, Ny])* Coordinates of points in model coordinates. + **returns** `None` (py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-topography-bathymetry)= ### get_topography_bathymetry(points) Query model for elevation of topography/bathymetry at points. :::{note} We assume a flat top surface at an elevation of 0, so there is not top surface. ::: + **points[in]** *(numpy.array [Nx, Ny])* Coordinates of points in model coordinates. + **returns** `None` (py-api-create-data-srcs-iris-emc-netcdf-get-values)= ### get_values(block, top_surface, topo_bathy, batch=None) Query model for values at points. + **block[in]** *(Block)* Block information. + **top_surface[in]** *(Surface)* Top surface. + **topo_bathy[in]** *(Surface)* Topography/bathymetry surface to define depth. + **batch[in]** *(BatchGenerator3D)* Current batch of points in block. + **returns** Values at points.