# EarthVision API Python Object **Full name**: geomodelgrids.create.data_srcs.earthvision.api.EarthVisionAPI API for running some specific EarthVision programs. ## Data Members + **model_dir** *(str)* Relative or absolute path of directory containing EarthVision model. + **env** *(dict) Environment variables for accessing EarthVision executables and libraries. ## Methods + [EarthVisionAPI(model_dir, env)](py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-constructor) + [ev_facedump(filename_faces)](py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-ev-facedump) + [ev_label(filename_values, filename_points, filename_model, dtype, converters)](py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-ev-label) + [ev_fp(formula, filename_out)](py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-ev-fp) (py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-constructor)= ### EarthVisionAPI(model_dir, env) Constructor. + **model_dir[in]** *(str)* Relative or absolute path of directory containing EarthVision model. + **env[in]** *(dict) Environment variables for accessing EarthVision executables and libraries. (py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-ev-facedump)= ### ev_facedump(filename_faces) Run 'ev_facedump {filename_faces}'. + **filename_faces[in]** *(str)* Name of faces file. + **returns** Output of `ev_facedump` as list of lines. (py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-ev-label)= ### ev_label(filename_values, filename_points, filename_model, dtype, converters) Run 'ev_label -m FILENAME_MODEL -o FILENAME_VALUES FILE'. + **filename_values** *(str)* Name of file for output values. + **filename_points** *(str)* Name of file with input points. + **filename_model** *(str)* Name of EarthVision model (.seq) file. + **dtype** *(dict)* Mapping of output columns to numpy type. + **converters** *(dict)* Mapping of output columns to function to convert to dtype. + **returns** numpy.array with output. (py-api-create-data-srcs-earthvision-api-ev-fp)= ### ev_fp(formula, filename_out) Run 'ev_fp < {formula}'. + **formula** *(str)* Formula for EarthVision formula processor. + **filename_out** *(str)* Name of output file in formula. + **returns** numpy.array with output.