# geomodelgrids_info The `geomodelgrids_info` command line program is used to print information about a model to stdout and verify a model conforms to the GeoModelGrids specification. ## Synopsis Optional command line arguments are in square brackets. ``` geomodelgrids_info [--help] --models=FILE_0,...,FILE_M [--verify] [--description] [--coordsys] [--values] [--blocks] [--all] ``` ### Required arguments * **--models=FILE_0,...,FILE_M** Names of `M` model files to examine. The information for each model is printed to stdout. ### Optional arguments * **--help** Print help information to stdout and exit. * **--verify** Verify a model conforms to the GeoModelGrids specification. * **--description** Display model description. * **--blocks** Display block grid information. * **--coordsys** Display coordinate system information. * **--values** Display names and units of values stored in the model. * **--all** Display description, coordinate system, values, and blocks. ### Verification Verification includes: * checking for required metadata (HDF5 attributes); * verifying that the topography and blocks span the horizontal dimensions; and * verifying that the blocks span the vertical dimension of the domain. ## Example Show all information for a model with three blocks and topography. The file is `three-blocks-topo.h5` in the `tests/data` directory. ```bash geomodelgrids_info --all --models=tests/data/three-blocks-topo.h5 # Output Model: tests/data/three-blocks-topo.h5 Verification Verifying metadata...OK Verifying model coordinate system ...OK Verifying surface 'top surface'...OK Verifying surface 'topography/bathymetry'...OK Verifying resolution of top surface matches resolution of topography/bathymetry...OK Verifying block 'top'...OK Verifying block 'middle'...OK Verifying block 'bottom'...OK Verifying blocks span vertical dimension of domain...OK Title: Three Blocks Topo Id: three-blocks-topo Description: Model with three blocks and topography. Keywords: key one, key two, key three History: First version Comment: One comment Creator: John Doe, Agency, johndoe@agency.org Authors: Smith, Jim; Doe, John; Doyle, Sarah References: Reference 1 Reference 2 Acknowledgement: Thank you! Repository: Some repository http://somewhere.org DOI: this.is.a.doi Version: 1.0.0 License: CC0 Dimensions of model: x=60000, y=120000, z=45000 Bounding box (WGS84): (34.3954, -117.8241) (34.6535, -117.2496) (35.603, -117.8789) (35.342, -118.4583) Coordinate system: CRS (PROJ, EPSG, WKT): EPSG:3311 Coordinate system units: x=meter, y=meter, z=meter (assumed) Origin: x=200000, y=-400000 Azimuth (degrees) of y axis from north: 330 Values stored in model: 0: one (m) 1: two (m/s) Vertex-based data Surfaces Top surface: Number of points: x=13, y=25 Resolution: x=5000, y=5000 Topography/bathymetry: Number of points: x=13, y=25 Resolution: x=5000, y=5000 Blocks (3) Block 'top' Resolution: x=10000, y=10000, z=5000 Elevation of top of block in logical space: 0 Number of points: x=7, y=13, z=2 Dimensions: x=60000, y=120000, z=5000 Block 'middle' Resolution: x=20000, y=20000, z=10000 Elevation of top of block in logical space: -5000 Number of points: x=4, y=7, z=3 Dimensions: x=60000, y=120000, z=20000 Block 'bottom' Resolution: x=30000, y=30000, z=10000 Elevation of top of block in logical space: -25000 Number of points: x=3, y=5, z=3 Dimensions: x=60000, y=120000, z=20000```