# EarthVision Data Source Data source for generating a GeoModelGrids model from an EarthVision model. ## `earthvision` parameters + **model_dir** *(string)* Full absolute path to the directory containing the EarthVision model. + **top_surface_2grd** *(str, optional)* Filename of `2grd` file for the top surface of the model. + **topography_bathymetry_2grd** *(str, optional)* Filename of `2grd` file for the topography/bathymetry surface of the model. + **geologic_model** *(string)* Filename of the sequence file corresponding to the EarthVision geologic model. + **elev_units** *(string)* Units of elevation in the EarthVision geologic model. + **xy_units** *(string)* Units of x and y coordinates in the EarthVision geologic model. + **rules_module** *(string)* Path to the Python object used to assign material properties to the geologic units. + **rules_pythonpath** `PYTHONPATH` for `rules_module`. ## `earthvision.environment` parameters Bash environment variables that include locations of the EarthVision files. + **PATH** *(string)* Value of `PATH` environment variable for executables. + **LD_LIBRARY_PATH** *(string)* Value of `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable for dynamic libraries. + **LM_LICENSE_FILE** *(string)* Absolute path of the EarthVision license file. ## Example This example illustrates use of the EarthVision data source to generate a 3D seismic velocity model from a 3D geologic model in EarthVision. Rules are applied on each grid point to assign elastic properties based on the geologic unit and depth. The model includes two surfaces: one for the top of the model and one for the top of the solid material. The model includes two blocks, each with a uniform grid resolution. ```{code-block} cfg [geomodelgrids] title = USGS 3D seismic velocity model for the San Francisco Bay region (regional domain) id = usgs-sfcvm-regional description = USGS 3D seismic velocity model for the San Francisco Bay region (regional domain) keywords = [seismic velocity model, San Francisco Bay region] history = Version 08.3.0 re-released as a GeoModelGrids model. creator_name = Brad Aagaard creator_institution = U.S. Geological Survey creator_email = baagaard@usgs.gov acknowledgement = None authors = [Brocher, Thomas | Jachens, Robert | Simpson, Robert | Aagaard, Brad] references = [None] repository_name = ScienceBase repository_url = https://sciencebase.gov repository_doi = TBD version = 21.0.0 license = CC0 filename = seismic_sfbay_regional-21.0.0.h5 data_source = geomodelgrids.create.earthvision.datasrc.RulesDataSrc [coordsys] crs = PROJCS["unnamed",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",35],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-123],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["Meter",1]] origin_x = 97513.8 origin_y = 4562.2 y_azimuth = 323.638 [data] values = [density, Vp, Vs, Qp, Qs, fault_block_id, zone_id] units = [kg/m**3, m/s, m/s, None, None, None, None] [domain] dim_x = 325.0e+3 dim_y = 645.0e+3 dim_z = 45.0e+3 blocks = [vres125m, vres250m] batch_size = 2500000 [earthvision] model_dir = /data/sfbay-geology/regional_domain top_surface_2grd = [bigbay_reg_topo_km_prj.2grd, zero.2grd] topography_bathymetry_2grd = [bigbay_reg_topo_km_prj.2grd] geologic_model = CenCal_Reg_13b.seq elev_units = km xy_units = km rules_fn = seismic_regional_08_03_00.get_rules rules_pythonpath = . [earthvision.environment] PATH = /bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/earthvision/ev11/bin64 LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /opt/earthvision/ev11/lib64 LM_LICENSE_FILE = /opt/earthvision/license/license.dat [top_surface] use_surface = True resolution_x = 500.0 resolution_y = 500.0 chunk_size = (150, 150, 1) [topography_bathymetry] use_surface = True resolution_x = 500.0 resolution_y = 500.0 chunk_size = (150, 150, 1) [vres125m] resolution_x = 500.0 resolution_y = 500.0 resolution_z = 125.0 z_top = 0.0 z_bot = -10.0e+3 z_top_offset = -0.1 chunk_size = (12, 12, 81, 7) [vres250m] resolution_horiz = 1000.0 resolution_vert = 250.0 z_top = -10.0e+3 z_bot = -45.0e+3 z_top_offset = 0.0 chunk_size = (8, 8, 141, 7) ```